Use Coupon Code: GIFT for 15% Off! Expires: 12/20/24
FREE SHIPPING* (details)
NO SALES TAX* (details)
1-800-894-2537 (800-8WICKER)
FREE SHIPPING* (details)
NO SALES TAX* (details)
Use Coupon Code: GIFT for 15% Off! Expires: 12/20/24

Wicker Paradise: Free Shipping Program Details

Sales tax is collected on all orders shipped in NY state only. Orders that are delivered outside NY state are bound by the regulations of their state.

Wicker Paradise furniture orders, free shipping details.

On certain items we are able to absorb the added shipping costs anywhere, but on some items we charge a surcharge. For example, there is a surcharge to deliver to places like Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Florida Keys (zip codes 33001- 33070). Ferry & Island charges may apply. Furniture is delivered to your home, but not inside your home. In-home delivery service is available per your request (call us for in-home delivery fees 800-894-2537).

CANADA- We do ship to Canada call for details. 800-894-2537

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